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Posted on December 21, 2017 by mandr in
… a lot of people only seem to comment when they are unhappy. I love this building. The management is fair and treats tenants with respect. I think maybe some people misinterpret disrespect for (repercussions for) them getting into trouble. I once got a sternly worded letter because I left garbage in a place it shouldn’t be. Was I mad? No, it was my own fault. Everyone wants to blame someone else instead of taking their own actions into account. … The laundry room has cameras and was recently renovated and looks beautiful…. … They give us great parties twice a year. They’re willing to consider giving you a renovation if you have an older kitchen (my new kitchen is amazing!). They really are a great company. Thanks, Wedgewood, for so many great years! - Resident at Wedgewood.

